企业、自然、人与社会是我们始终不变的关切点。我们致力于将中国设计带向世界. 我们渴望成为设计师的摇篮,培养新一代设计人才,共同创造属于中国设计的辉煌篇章。在环境意识日益严峻的当下,我们倡导环保、低碳、节能的设计理念,并希望通过设计建立思考的入口,引导人们关注社会问题,凝聚不同阶层的力量,共同创造更美好的未来。
Jiangguo Brand Design is a graphic design studio that researches and perfects the art of design. We believe that the essence of design lies in connection – connecting businesses with their audience, people with nature, and the present with the future. We are problem-solvers at heart, integrating design thinking into every project. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, we combine the power of design, business, and technology to create aesthetically pleasing and effective design solutions for our clients.







Jiang Junxi: A Chinese Designer Bridging Cultures Through Art
Born in China in 1988, Jiang Junxi is a designer with a global vision and a unique perspective. He firmly believes that the power of design lies in "communication" and "observation," using this foundation to constantly explore the profound connection between design and culture, humanity and nature.
Dissatisfied with the prevailing design climate in China, Jiang embarked on a journey of artistic exploration. He yearned to break free from rigid design conventions and discover more emotionally resonant forms of expression. Captivated by the rich depth and expressiveness of traditional Chinese colors, he sought to integrate them into a modern design language, creating works that are both culturally rich and contemporary.
In 2020, during his keynote speech titled "Golden Birds: The Present State of Chinese Design," Jiang shared his hopes and aspirations for the future of Chinese design. He believes that China, like fertile ground, holds countless seeds of design excellence – golden birds waiting to take flight. He is committed to nurturing these seeds and allowing Chinese colors to bloom brilliantly on the world stage.
The unexpected arrival of the global pandemic in 2022 shifted Jiang's focus towards broader humanitarian concerns, leading him to dedicate himself to art education. During his time in Japan, he developed the concept of "Duty: The Relationship Between Nature and Humanity," urging people to re-examine their connection with the natural world and advocating for a more harmonious and symbiotic way of life. He believes that when individuals fulfill their roles and responsibilities, families will be filled with happiness and fulfillment, representing the warmth and strength he hopes to convey through his designs.
Today, Jiang utilizes graphic design as a bridge to communicate with the world, viewing it as a language transcending cultural boundaries and capable of evoking shared resonance and contemplation. He continuously experiments with diverse creative forms and materials, blending Eastern aesthetics with modern design principles to craft a portfolio brimming with imagination and artistic depth.
Jiang's works are not merely visually appealing; they embody profound cultural reflections and a deep sense of humanity. He aspires to use design as a catalyst for introspection, encouraging people to contemplate society, nature, and their place within it. Ultimately, he aims to contribute to social progress and cultural development through the power of design.

中国设计,是我们走向世界的名片。我们致力于用国际化的设计语言,讲述中国故事,传播中国文化,让世界看见中国设计的魅力。万物和谐,是我们最终的追求。我们相信,好的设计能够连接人与人、人与自然,构建和谐共生。我们将始终秉持这一理念,让每一个设计作品都体现对自然的敬畏,对文化的传承,以及对人与社会和谐共生的追求。东方智慧,是我们设计的根基。 我们从中国传统文化中汲取灵感,将阴阳平衡、天人合一、道法自然的哲学思想融入设计理念,创造出具有独特东方美学的作品。自然之美,是我们永恒的灵感源泉。我们从自然形态、色彩、肌理中汲取养分,将自然之美融入设计,创造出与环境和谐共生的作品。